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  Other Abuses
and Their Effect

Even before the imposition of the monopoly, and right on after it, the natives had been complaining of unfair treatment from their new rulers. The recriminations and accusations exchanged between missionaries and civil, officials with regard to the treatment of the natives were proof enough of this. uch abuses the people could not tolerate indefinitely. Hence the revolts for this or that grievance, in this or that village.

After Captain Juan de Chaves had helped quell the Magalad revolt, a new resistance movement which had started in Pangasinan spread out to Cagayan, and it had to take no less than a reinforcement from Ilocos to suppress it in 1661. Then there was the revolt of the Ytawes in which Sinanguinga of Malaweg and Matatangan of Tuao joined forces with Rivera of Tuguegarao and threatened the garrison at Lallo until Orduna overcame it with a superiority in arms and men. It is true that all these uprisings ended in the long run as exercises of futility, but they were an unmistakeable symptom that all was not well between the Spanish rulers and their wards. And he who did not take arms against the white men fled to the hinterland as a remontado, to the Church a renegade, and to the State a tax-evader.

from Vignettes About Cagayan and the Cagayanos
by Msgr. Domingo Mallo-Peņaflor

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