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Demography |
Region |
02 |
Capital |
Tuguegarao City |
Income Classification |
First Class |
Land Area (Hectares) | 900,270.00 |
Number of Districts | 3 |
Number of Cities | 1 |
Number of Municipalities | 28 |
Number of Barangays | 820 |
Population (1995) | 895,050 |
Population Growth Rate | 1.43 |
Percentage of 0-14 age population | 38.62% (345,654) |
Percentage of 15-64 age population | 56.91% (509,407) |
Percentage of 65+ age population | 4.47% (39,989) |
Percentage of male population | 50.76% (454,290) |
Percentage of female population | 49.24% (440,760) |
Percentage of disabled people | 1.55% (13,830) |
Population Density | 99 |
Number of Households | 179,096 |
Average Household Size | 4.99 |
Number of Families (1994 survey) | 184,922 |
Poverty Incidence | 41.20% |
Average Annual Family Income (1994) | P70,359.00 |
Labor Force (as of July 1997) | 493,000 |
Labor Force Participation Rate | 76% |
Employment Rate | 90.55% |
Unemployment Rate | 9.50% |
Crime Rate | 2.17% |
Industry and Trade |
Number of Cooperatives (May 1998) | 739 |
Value of Exports (CY 1998) | $1,939,000.00 |
Investment Generation (CY 1998) | P3,698,000.00 |
Industrial Estate | Sta. Ana Regional Agri-Industrial Growth Center |
Economic |
Agricultural Area (Planted) | 214,328.42 has. |
Number of Farming Households | 111,067.00 |
Irrigated Area (Planted) | |
Unirrigated Area (Planted) | 47,789.53 has. |
CARPable Area | 110,402.0089 has. |
Land Distributed (CARP) | 101,265.4422 has. |
Farmer Beneficiaries | 55,016 |
Carabao | 118,404 |
Cattle | 24,087 |
Hog | 232,412 |
Goat | 37,349 |
Horse | 6,371 |
Sheep | 577 |
Dog | 113,121 |
Chicken (Backyard) | 978,019 |
Duck (Backyard) | 151,787 |
Chicken (Commercial) | 477,981 |
Duck (Commercial) | 116,543 |
Number of Fishermen | 12,931 |
Production (Fresh Water) | 290.60 metric tons |
Mangrove Forest Area (Hectares) | 3,398,00 |
Fishing Grounds | Balintang Channel Pacific Ocean Inland Waters |
Number of Coastal Municipalities | 12 |
Number of Coastal Barangays | 85 |
Forest Area | 488,576.37 has. |
Alienable and Disposable Land | 412,138.26 has. |
Integrated Social Forestry Project Total Area | 18,150.038 has. |
Integrated Social Forestry Total Beneficiaries | 8,186 |
Metallic Deposits | 8,657,522 mt. |
Non-Metallic Deposits | 7,346,457,297 mt. |
Infrastructure |
ROADS (Total Road Network) |
National Roads | 628.679 km. |
Concrete | 290.035 km. |
Asphalt | 23.504 km. |
Gravel | 295.430 km. |
Earthfill | 19.710 km. |
Provincial Roads | 527.84 km. |
Concrete | 16.94 km. |
Asphalt | 84.61 km. |
Gravel | 405.49 km. |
Earthfill | 20.80 km. |
Telephone/Telegraph/ Telex/Cellular Phones | PLDT, PT&T, RCPI, Digitel, Mobiline, Smart, Globe Telecom, Municipal Telephone Project Office |
Number of Municipalities with telephone system | 29 |
Number of Municipalities with telegraph stations | 29 |
Internet Service Providers | Philworld Cyberspace I-Next |
Number of Municipalities served by Water District | 8 |
Total Household served by Water District | 8,756 |
Total Capacity of Power Distribution | CAGELCO I - 40 MW CAGELCO II - 15 MW |
Number of Household with Electricty | 84,277 |
Percentage of Electrification | CAGELCO I - 55.94% CAGELCO II - 58.19% |
Social Services |
Number of Government Primary and Elementary School | 654 |
Number of Private Primary and Elementary School | 21 |
Number of Government Secondary School | 54 |
Number of Private Secondary School | 40 |
Number of Government Tertiary School | 1 System (CSU) |
Number of Privatey Tertiary School | 14 |
Crude Death Rate | 4.34% |
Crude Birth Rate | 20.31% |
Infant Mortality Rate | 13.56% |
Maternal Mortality Rate | 0.48% |
Number of Government Hospitals | 16 |
Number of Private Hospitals | 3 |
Number of District Hospitals | 15 |
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