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Cagayan and its Role in Regional Development
With the establishment of the Cagayan Special Economic Zone and Freeport (CSEZFP), the province could be dubbed as the "Gateway to China and Asia-Pacific." The province willl play a vital role in the national economy.
The following are the foreseen roles of the Province of Cagayan:
- A Catalyst for Growth in Northern Luzon and a Gateway to Asia
- The operation of the Cagayan Special Economic Zone and Freeport is envisioned to be a self-sustaining, eco-friendly industrial zone. Being identified as a potential development catalyst for the northern Luzon region, the zone is also augured to be a major transshipment point for trade in the Asia-Pacific rim because of its proximity and strategic location.

- Potential Invesment Area for Fishing and Mining Industries
- Cagayan has the longest shoreline in the region. The presence of the Balintang Channel and the Pacific Ocean offer extensive fishing ground that is advantageous for trade, commerce and tourism industry.
- Likewise, enormous metallic and non-metallic deposits are identified in the province waiting for exploration.
- At present, the province offers an opportunity of a less crowded investments thus, industries which intend to venture will enjoy the advantage of being among the pioneers in the province.
- Major Supplier of Agricultural Products
- For the past five years, the province has registered high sufficiency levels in rice and corn, a concrete indication that the province is one of the country's top producer of rice and rice and corn. Records also show that it has exported other major produce high scale of legumes, peanuts and rootcrops.
- Center of Commerce, Education, Services, and the Seat of Government in Region 02
- Cagayan is a convergence area of various activities.
- As per record of the Department of Trade and Industry, Cagayan has the highest number in terms of registered establishment for retail, wholesale, manufacturing, processing, and services.
- Most of the tertiary level learning institutions are found in the province with St. Paul University, an ISO 9001-certified institution and which is considered a National Center of Excellence in Education and Nursing and center of development in Business Education, Information Technology, Civil Engineering and Geodetic Engineering; Saint Louis College of Tuguegarao as a center of development in Civil Engineering, Geodetic Engineering and Architecture; and Cagayan State University, a center of development in Civil Engineering, Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Marine Science.
- Being the seat of government in the region, almost all regional offices are located in Tuguegarao City, the capital of the province.
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